Common Drug Addictions

An addiction does not always have to involve drugs or alcohol; there are many people who are overcoming addictions that simply deal with overindulgence in a particular activity, such as gambling or sex.Overcoming gambling additions is difficult for those it affects because many see gambling as a recreational outlet with the prospects of making extra money.
Although a gambling addiction does not physically harm an individual, the financial consequences for those who are unlucky in their gambling actions have resulted in a loss of family, friends, job, home and trust. Other substances that lead to a desire in overcoming addictions include: Heroin, morphine, amphetamine, cocaine addictions, including tranquilizers Addiction to nicotine and caffeine Steroid addiction Addiction to sugar Addiction to acts, such as theft, working, as well as exercising Sex addiction.
When somebody needs help in overcoming their addictions, they may turn to the help of professionals, such as psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, doctors, therapists, as well as medication, group or family therapy, hypnosis and meditation. Sometimes it takes a process of tough love for someone to overcome the addiction they are battling. A distinct desire to beat the evil demon within themselfs is a must when overcoming addictions. If you have the desire you CAN overcome your addiction. You may need help and support but that is nothing to be ashamed of and if you acknowledge you have a problem with addictions and are prepared to seek help ( whatever the addiction may be ) you are on the road to recovery and a happier and more fulfilling life.